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Unlucky Day 13....

The day started out great with a visit to Devil's Tower. Did you know that was the first National Monument?

Look at the last minute we opted for the Hundred Mile shorter route to West Yellowstone via Big Horn mountains.

Big mistake on a hundred degree day pulling a huge camper.

First truck overheated, so we pulled over to let it cool down.

Then transmission overheated, and puked out all the fluid.

Miles from nowhere, and no cell service. After an hour the sheriff drove by and stopped.  He radio dispatch and told him to send a wrecker with a case of transmission fluid.

2 hours later the wrecker showed up, Ford in the fluid and the truck moved, good sign!

But it was still leaking.

I toast the front seal on the transmission, and nobody here can fix it for at least a week..

So I paid $400 for a tow truck to deliver 10 quarts of transmission fluid...

Hopefully between my Good Sam roadside assistance and GEICO roadside coverage I should get some money back.

Thankfully we found a campround with space.  Between the bluegrass festival and Longmire show festivities, everything is booked.

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